Peace Paws - Top Dog Parks in and around the Portland Area

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Looking for a place for you and your dog to run around, play catch and make new friends? Dog lovers in the Portland area are fortunate to have so many great dog friendly parks to choose from. This website details a few of our favorite places to bring your best friend.
Parks where your dog can cool off in the water
Dog friendly parks to bring the whole family - with playgrounds and picnic tables
Serene hiking trails for you and your dog to explore
Doggie Daycare & Boarding Dancing Woof Dog Care
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Exercise and Play Maintains your Dog's Health and Happiness
Going to a dog park is a great way for you and your dog to exercise and play together. Regular exercise is important to keep your dog's heart, lungs, joints, and muscles healthy. It also keeps their minds healthy and happy. Play develops motor and cognitive skills and helps build and maintain social bonds. If your dog doesn't get enough exercise - it can result in problem behaviors such as chewing, digging, garbage raiding and excessive barking.
The amount of exercise needed depends on the type of dog, its age and its individual health. Please consult with your veterinarian.
Training Games to Play With Your Dog
Playing games are another way to enjoy quality bonding time with your dog. Dogs are social animals, and game playing is an important part of developing any social relationship. Also, you can actually teach your dog several important commands, and to obey you, by playing games that make following your instructions fun. Here are some games you can play with your dog that will teach him some basic training and obedience:
Not just for kids, Hide and Seek can be a lot of fun with your dog. Hide and call out to your dog. When she finds you, give her a treat and lots of love.
Put out bowls or bags filled with their favorite treat or toy for a Treasure Hunt for your dog.
Play a Shell Game - get 2 or 3 non breakable, opaque glasses. Show your dog a favorite treat, then hide it under one of the glasses. While your dog is watching, move them around on the floor. Then watch to see if your dog can pick the right glass.
Give your dog Work Time. Teach your dog to bring in the newspaper or carry mail back from the mailbox.